To be honest, as a new mom it's the only free time I get. I look forward to bed time because the house is quiet and I can do all the things I want to online.
I surf the web, plan grocery lists, read, surf Pinterest, social media, all that fun stuff without interruptions (well, maybe some if the baby wakes up) but for the most part I love it. I've always loved being up in the middle of the night. Ive always been a "night owl". And although I can't leave my bed, because the baby will wake up. I still like being up at night.
We've been struggling with teething lately. It's so hard. I'm sure it is hard on everyone. It's one of those things you sigh about. It just sucks so much to have a young baby going through it.
When people tell me their child didn't start until after 6 months, I roll my eyes at them. Lol. Luke started at about 2.5 months and it has been awful.
We had one day where I noticed we hadn't had any melt downs and I treated it like you do when you have a really negative thought that you're ashamed of and you push it out of your head or try to forget about it, I kept thinking, "don't think about! Don't think about it, you'll jynx the situation and it will turn onto one of those hours and hours battles."
At the end of the day, when I knew he was asleep for the night Andre and I both mentioned it. But it's only happened once.
That was a great day. Haha
Recently, we left my grandmas on Christmas night, who lives over an hour away, and barely got off the road she lives on when it turned into one of the worst nights we had. We had to pull over at a truck stop and my husband had to walk around outside with him for about thirty minutes just to get him to stop crying. After I tried many many times to shh him and make him happy, and nurse him in the car. Nothing worked. He cried so hard that night.
What happens with Luke is he starts fussing and chewing on things and then it turns into yelling crying. He gets hungry but won't eat because breastfeeding seems to hurt or he has no interest in latching on when the teething is happening. So for hours he will be upset and then he gets hungry but won't eat and that makes him even more upset, and when Luke cries he sweats, a lot! So it's a whole fiasco every time.
As far as remedies go, we've tried everything. Some things work some times and sometimes nothing works.
I will put orajel on his gums and if he needs to sleep, which usually he does. The teething happens around nap times and is awful at night, sometimes I will give him Hyland's teething tablets. He usually always wants to be walked around. He doesn't want you to sit and hold him or rock him. He wants to be up. And he will chew on his dad's shoulder as he walks him around the kitchen.
Teething toys are a distraction for ten minutes at the most. He likes if they are frozen compared to the ones that aren't but it doesn't help much. I think it hurts while he is chewing on them and he wants to keep chewing but it makes him cry. His dentist recommended the vibration teethers. He swears by them and everyone who worked in office agreed. They gave us one to take home and Luke does love that one the most. But still, it only last for a short time.
Usually the pills kick in and he will eat to fall asleep. It's so rough though.
I can't wait until teething is over.
Teething is one of the only things that makes me want to not have another baby.
Since he was born I knew I wanted to have more. Even though my labor was terrifying and the thought of ANY thing going wrong scares me, I still want more children. But this has been SUPER tough.
I told a friend's mom recently that Luke has been teething and that's been difficult, and she just looked at me and said "I'm sorry" and she genuinely meant it, and then she followed with "that's all I can tell you. It's one of those things you have to go through and nothing helps really."
At least she was honest with me. Haha.
People are always quick to tell you what to do instead of what you have been doing, and it never hurts to try different things, everyone is different so you have to try different things to find out what works for you. I just really appreciated her honesty, because that's how I've been feeling. We get him through the freak out spells. But they suck and I know they will come again, whenever he has finally calmed down, and all I can do it wait for those little buggers to pop through. And when they do I will have to start dealing with making sure he doesn't bite while breastfeeding so I'm trying to be patient about it. Lol.
Thank God for Pinterest though, right? So many amazing tips without having the older generation who act all judgemental try to tell you what you "need" to do.
Anyway, I guess I better go get those sweet snuggles from my little man.
Until next one, XOXO
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