Monday, January 30, 2017

The Granny Square

So I've been on my crochet journey for a few weeks now and I've made a lot of stuff. A lot of messy bun beanies, some phone covers, some flowers. 
I found a girl on YouTube who has a 365 day granny square challenge. So you can make one a day for a year and learn a new one every day and then at the end you can make a giant crocheted quilt. If you don't know what a granny square is, google it so you can see some examples. It's a crocheted square and there are hundreds of dif patterns. A lot of people basically make them out of their left over scraps. It's something that goes by fast and if you wanna work on a small project, a little at a time, this seems like the perfect thing. 
I'm just starting. I did one tonight and started on another. I think it's gonna be super awesome. I hope all my squares match up in the end. Lol
I'll def post a finished result. Prob in a year or so. I def want to recommend a challenge like this for a beginner. It teaches you a lot of different techniques and you feel like you've completed something because it doesn't take forever to do. 

Anywayz (haha anyone remember that one from back in the day?) 
I hope all is well. Much love <3

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