Friday, March 18, 2016


What a powerful quote? I mean...."dang, that's deep!" I was feeling motivated to write about forgiveness after my last post. I should have, because I'm not as inspired right now but I didn't have time.

I found a few good quotes on forgiveness and I feel like I probably could have just kept finding good ones online, but I stopped myself.
It feels good to forgive. It's REALLY hard to do so, but if you've ever forgiven anyone that really hurt you, it's like a huge weight off your chest. really feel physically lighter, and happier.
Because to love is what is normal and right, hate is such an ugly thing.
I am SO good at holding grudges. I'm like an elephant too, I never forget how it felt when someone made me feel bad. I always remember those. But it's just not the way we should live our lives.

With all of this forgiveness in mind, I have a few people from my life who I cut out or want to avoid at all cost because I hate them. I'm struggling because I'm trying to figure out if I want to let them back in.
I understand that forgiveness doesn't mean I have to be your friend. And you don't have to have someone in your life who was toxic. There are 3 girls in particular who I've been thinking about reconnecting with and I don't know....
I just don't know.

Sigh, I was hoping that with a little reading of forgiveness and research I would come to my answer.
I'd hate to open old wounds. And I feel like being friends with some of these people would be like picking at the scab....however, if the wound has healed.....there is no scab? Just a scar? Maybe no scar?

That's my crazy optimism talking....don't mind me. lol

But it helps to write out your thoughts sometimes and really see a situation from lots of different angles.


I always try to tackle tough situations with the "What Would Jesus Do?" approach. I mean, those things they taught us as kids are REALLY good lessons. If adults would apply them more often, the world might not be such a horrible place. God will guide you through ANYthing. 
So with saying that, I should forgive all of those people who have done me wrong and that leads to

Wether you want those people in your life or not, you always have this negative void and energy when you think about them. Let it go so you are at peace. If they don't forgive you in return....
it's on them. At least you did what you are suppose to do.

I don't have much more to say right now, I'm running low on gas tonight. Even though I'm sure I do have more to say.
For now, I don't know what I'm going to do about the past relationships. Forgive and move on without contact or try to reach out....
Only time will tell.

Tata for now

*Sorry for such a scattered post. My brain is feeling like a fried egg.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Favorite phrases

The end of my last blog post made me want to do a post about my favorite quotes and phrases. Some of these things I think about daily and they help shape who I am.

The world's a playground, you know that when you are young but somewhere along growing up you seem to forget it.

May your organs fail you before your dreams do!

Never give up on anything you can't go a day without thinking about!

When you feel like you are falling to the bottom, Remember...God will either catch you or teach you how to fly.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

Do not give up or quit on the hardest day of something
 make it through the day and if you still want to quit, quit tomorrow

Don't react to something that made you mad right away, sleep on it and come back tomorrow
 if you're still mad it might be within good reason and then a reaction may be warranted, its tough to not respond sometimes when you are angry, but you have to choose your battles. Make sure it's really worth it.

Let's talk "About Me"

I was thinking about updating my about me. But our lives are ever changing and I just decided to make a post about it instead. 
So, here goes.......

I'm a breastfeeding, cosleeping, cobathing, God fearing mommy. All of those things are some of the most rewarding things of my life and I've only been at if for 5 months. I'm a wife to my best friend and high school sweet heart. 
I play trumpet, & I do hair. I'm extremely frugal and plan everything like crazy. Dabble in photography a little. 
I love watching movies and reading. I enjoy sewing and crafting. If I can make it, I do (Pinterest is one of my favorite website of all time, contributing to my creative thinking). I enjoy cosplaying when I have time. 
I love being a home maker, I love cooking. I like puzzles. Being a mom is my most favorite job that I've ever had.
I love my family and I want the best for everyone in the world. I try hard to be a better person every day. I want to be the best mother and wife I can for my family. 
I'm sometimes a procrastinator, and lazy, and judgmental, but I also always try to look at the full picture and both sides of the story. 
I've been known to be impatient but it's definitely getting better with age. I'm a night owl and I love sleeping and taking naps, most of my inspiration comes in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping and so I'll sleep in late, but I've come to realize that life is short and goes by so fast, you should just get up in the could be missing out on a wonderful day and new memories. *but I still like sleeping! 
I hate cigarettes and drugs, things that people know are bad for them but they do anyway. I hate racism and abortion. I believe your relationship with God makes you a better person and the world needs him. The challenges our society is facing today is heartbreaking and terrifying to know your child will grow up in this world. Things that are completely inhuman are becoming "cool". With all the amazing technological advances of today I feel like we still take a couple of steps backwards. Morality is becoming a thing of the past. As cliche as it sounds, I pray for world peace, but I'm not too naive to understand reality. I'm probably equally optimistic and realistic. 
I know the world can be better and I'm on the side trying to contribute and believing in the good of people. 
But I'm still going to eat meat! Lol
I don't believe in depriving yourself of foods you like (eat the fricken' is short) but I do believe that you can be smart and not be glutinous. Everything in moderation.

I think it's important to stand back and evaluate yourself and your beliefs and values sometimes. It helps you see what you need to work on and it can boost your self esteem to see what you're really great at. Also, it amazes me that we change so much in life. Our passions and struggles change.  At any time you can probably look back and say, "Wow, I didn't think this is where I'd be a few years ago." And sometimes that's a great thing. 
I want to do everything and nothing at the same time. 

I'll wrap up with some of my favorite phrases or some food for thought. 

Something that's helped me make it through is "to not give up on the hardest day of something" 
It applies to so much on life. 

"Don't react to something that made you mad right away, sleep on it and come back tomorrow" 
if you're still mad it might be within good reason and then a reaction may be warranted. 

Welp, that's all for now.  <3 p="">XOXO

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Catching up

Hello, hello.
I just wanted to stop in and say a few things. I've been meaning to get on here for a few weeks now. It's been really hard and a really busy time in life right now. 

Luke needs a lot of attention constantly. He's been teething since he was about 2 months old, and he's 5 and 1/2 now. But sometimes he has really rough patches and nothing helps relieve the pain, he just wants to be held by mommy, so that's mostly what we've been going through lately. Just taking it one day at a time. 

Sooooo along with that means I also haven't been able to get much done. I was going to start doing some basic working out, and every day I think I'll get a few minutes to do it, but it's just not happening.
I barely am able to cook every day. I have been managing to get a few things done, I can't do as much as I use to but I find that I do get to clean a little here and there. Mostly I keep our room straightened up and the dirty clothes in the correct laundry baskets. Getting around to washing them is another story, but we do try to keep our mess somewhat organized. lol
Organized chaos= my house.

It was really stressing me out in the beginning of being a mom, that I couldn't keep my house the way I wanted to. But it's something I'm just having to come to terms with. I understand that when we look back on this time, I'm not going to remember how clean the house was but I will remember the way he smiles at me when I'm playing with him. So as long as it doesn't turn into a dump I think we are doing alright. 
And I guess it's really not that bad, I just like for it to be clean.

Anyway, in other news.....My sweet boy has learned to roll over from back to tummy. AND he does it non stop! As soon as I lay him down somewhere, he rolls over. He's SO fast. He can't roll back onto his back yet, he hasn't figured that out, so he gets frustrated after a while because he's tired of holding himself up. So I'll flip him over and within seconds he's back on his tummy! lol
He doesn't lay his head down when he's on his tummy, he's never liked that. So it was good for me when he was younger, one less risk for SIDS, but bad-ish, now because he doesn't know how to relax. lol

He's so sweet! He's my whole world.

I've been doing a little research online, reading blogs and watching youtube videos of people teaching their babies how to swim, so I hope we can get on that soon. I've been debating on taking some lessons this summer. It's about to be warm soon, I mean this week is going to be in the 70's almost every day. SOOOOOO excited about it!!!
So I think by the time he is 6 months old it will be getting good into spring. I've already been trying to get him use to the water when we take baths. He's totally relaxed and I've been teaching him to be calm when he lays back, so he can learn how to float. I read that you can teach them to hold their breath when you run water over their face, so they know to hold their breath when the face is put in water, so tonight, for the first time I tried an exercise a few times in the bathtub. 
I counted to three and then would blow in his face, when you blow in their face they tend to hold their breath, and then I would pour a little water over his head to run into his face. We did it a few times and it went great, so I think I'll keep it up.
I don't want my baby scared of water, and the earlier you teach them the less scared they will be and the safer it is!!

Oh, update on the bible challenge. Not to my surprise, I've been kind of lazy. I probably haven't read it in over a week, if not longer. I was doing really good for a while, so I have to get back on that. The website I was using has an app and the app is great! I have it notify me every day, and I can read it right there on the app and update my progress. It really doesn't take any time at all, so I need to be doing it. I've just been so busy doing other things, and making lame excuses not to.
I'll have to do better!

Anyway, lots of love for now, I  guess I need to go. Hopefully I'll be back on sooner than later. Ciao!