Friday, March 11, 2016

Let's talk "About Me"

I was thinking about updating my about me. But our lives are ever changing and I just decided to make a post about it instead. 
So, here goes.......

I'm a breastfeeding, cosleeping, cobathing, God fearing mommy. All of those things are some of the most rewarding things of my life and I've only been at if for 5 months. I'm a wife to my best friend and high school sweet heart. 
I play trumpet, & I do hair. I'm extremely frugal and plan everything like crazy. Dabble in photography a little. 
I love watching movies and reading. I enjoy sewing and crafting. If I can make it, I do (Pinterest is one of my favorite website of all time, contributing to my creative thinking). I enjoy cosplaying when I have time. 
I love being a home maker, I love cooking. I like puzzles. Being a mom is my most favorite job that I've ever had.
I love my family and I want the best for everyone in the world. I try hard to be a better person every day. I want to be the best mother and wife I can for my family. 
I'm sometimes a procrastinator, and lazy, and judgmental, but I also always try to look at the full picture and both sides of the story. 
I've been known to be impatient but it's definitely getting better with age. I'm a night owl and I love sleeping and taking naps, most of my inspiration comes in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping and so I'll sleep in late, but I've come to realize that life is short and goes by so fast, you should just get up in the could be missing out on a wonderful day and new memories. *but I still like sleeping! 
I hate cigarettes and drugs, things that people know are bad for them but they do anyway. I hate racism and abortion. I believe your relationship with God makes you a better person and the world needs him. The challenges our society is facing today is heartbreaking and terrifying to know your child will grow up in this world. Things that are completely inhuman are becoming "cool". With all the amazing technological advances of today I feel like we still take a couple of steps backwards. Morality is becoming a thing of the past. As cliche as it sounds, I pray for world peace, but I'm not too naive to understand reality. I'm probably equally optimistic and realistic. 
I know the world can be better and I'm on the side trying to contribute and believing in the good of people. 
But I'm still going to eat meat! Lol
I don't believe in depriving yourself of foods you like (eat the fricken' is short) but I do believe that you can be smart and not be glutinous. Everything in moderation.

I think it's important to stand back and evaluate yourself and your beliefs and values sometimes. It helps you see what you need to work on and it can boost your self esteem to see what you're really great at. Also, it amazes me that we change so much in life. Our passions and struggles change.  At any time you can probably look back and say, "Wow, I didn't think this is where I'd be a few years ago." And sometimes that's a great thing. 
I want to do everything and nothing at the same time. 

I'll wrap up with some of my favorite phrases or some food for thought. 

Something that's helped me make it through is "to not give up on the hardest day of something" 
It applies to so much on life. 

"Don't react to something that made you mad right away, sleep on it and come back tomorrow" 
if you're still mad it might be within good reason and then a reaction may be warranted. 

Welp, that's all for now.  <3 p="">XOXO

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